One of the most fun parts of the Reading Rush is trying to collect our challenge badges! Once you sign up for an account you can claim badges and they’ll show up on your profile page. Getting a badge is easy:
1. Click here to see our badges, then click through to the forum that corresponds to your badge. The badges below also link to the corresponding forum topic.
2. Leave a comment!
That’s it! Feel free to click on each badge below to go to its correlated topic. You can also find these under our forum categories. From there, respond to the topic listed for each badge you need. Your badge will show up on your profile page within 24 hours. You can write anything to claim your badge, as long as it’s 20 characters or more. Maybe tell us what you read or did to accomplish the challenge! Badges are all based on an honour system: only claim this badge once you’ve actually earned it because you can’t undo that action!
Currently, you can receive your badges for the 2019 and Stay Home Reading Rush challenges! We'll open up the 2020 badges once the event starts.
Everyday we issue you a bookish photo challenge to share on Instagram. These are all centered around reading at home… except that last one… you need fresh air too!! Follow us on instagram to keep up to date.