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Tips For A Read-A-Thon


July 12, 2020

Hello friends! The Reading Rush is fast approaching, and we thought some of you might be freaking out! Not to worry, we asked some of our bookish friends for readathon tips, and they provided.

Aissata Amadou: Definitely take advantage of audiobooks

Nidhi Reddy: Try to read a book with a friend! Buddy reads always make me read faster! You also get to talk about what's happening in the book together and that's fun :)

Jaime Morgan: Read books that you are most excited for! I find when I read books I am most excited to read I can really focus and I feel like I can accomplish anything

Anisha G: Set up a reasonable reading goal for each day that you can work toward achieving. But remember to not be too disappointed if you aren't able to reach it beacuse in  the end, this is all for fun!

Noelle Gallagher: Tip #1: Get a damn good audiobook to accompany you through your books! No shame in having someone bring the characters/story to life through performance! Tip #2: HAVE FUN! I know there's challenges to make the rush engaging and silly but they shouldn't make your reading challenging. Have the most fun with it and get creative!

Bintou F: The absolute FASTEST way to get through books is to listen along with the audiobook, and jack that speed up! At this point, I can follow along at 2.5x speed, which cuts my reading time by over half! Just be careful, I literally cannot watch youtube videos of people talking at normal speed anymore 😂. Another important tip is to intentionally set time aside for reading. I include it on my daily calendar and to-do list so it's a priority!

Kevin Kelly: Top Tip is to have fun! It's easy to be consumed by how many books everyone else is reading, but at the end of the day having fun and reading as a community is the most important part! Reading many books is a bonus!

Sofia Casanova: My top tip is read the books you've been putting off! The end of that trilogy, the book you bought five years ago but never read, the start of an intimidating series. A readathon is the best time to sink your teeth into them!

Ariel: Read short books!!!! Nothing quicker than a really short book!

Raeleen: Do your best to forget about social media and Netflix during the readathon. You'll get so much more reading done!

Have any tips of your own? Chat about it in the forums!