July 10, 2020
This is the best part: you can read anything you freaking want.
Novel? Sure. Graphic Novel? OF COURSE! Nonfiction? That’s a book isn’t it?! Short story? UM YEAH. Audiobook? Last time we checked that was still a book!!!!! Manga? DO I REALLY NEED TO KEEP ANSWERING THESE??
There are no rules when it comes to what you can and cannot read during the event, just like there are never any rules as to what you can choose to read in your regular life. It may be more difficult to track how many pages of your audiobook you read, and it might seem like you’re cheating your page count by reading 20 volumes of manga in three days, but who cares! The goal of this event is to get people reading, grind through your TBR pile if you have one, take the time to step away from your phone, your video games, your Netflix series, whatever it may be. We only want to encourage people to read more, and that in no way limits the books that you are “allowed” to read. If Dobby can be a free elf, SO CAN YOU!
Of course, the reading challenges also come into play here. We find it really fun to participate in the reading challenges, especially because trying to structure your TBR so that you're completing multiple challenges per book is a great feeling. However, trying to ONLY read books that complete the challenges could potentially limit your reading, so do not ever feel pressured to do them if you don't want to. It's fun to try it out and earn badges when you succeed, but if the types of books you want to read just don't fit the challenges, don't worry! You can absolutely read anything you want. :)